Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mixtape Cover

iight so i've been hearing this alot lately and at first it didnt bother me but its actually starting to piss me off...Its about the Mixtape picture now idk what the fuck is goin on but how doesn't this picture look like me?? is this a bad thing? is this a good thing? does the picture look better than i do? or does the picture look worse? like what the fuck is it?! I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TELL ME IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE ME AND I SAY HOW AND THERE ONLY REPLY IS "I DONT KNOW" SO HOW THE FUCK U KNOW IT DONT LOOK LIKE ME!!!LOL like serioulsy......(sigh) had to get that off my chest...O yeah show tommarow at City college performing 2-3 songs (maybe)i hope i can get some video footage

1 comment:

ChrisMothafcukingB said...

lmao.that's some wild shit.

i just got through listening to the mixtape cause a few of my readers kept hitting me up via aim telling me the mixtape was ill.and i couldn't agree with them anymore def getting rotations on my ipod.

i'll also play the mixtape in my house and i don't play much in my house lol